Each Friday we highlight a wine from the Northwest that we think is a real "find." By find we might mean that it's a steal, as all of these wines we'll feature weekly are at or under $20. We might also mean "Hey, you really need to go find this", and it might be a wine that we feel not enough people know about. In any case, with the weekend pending, we're hoping to help you "find" a wine to kickoff the weekend right. We'll tell you a little bit about the wine and try to help you track it down here in the Northwest.
It's Bike to Work Day today, did you bike to work? I did, but I do that every single day and so this day really only represents an opportunity to perhaps get a free doughnut or some schwag from Clif Bar. I think Bike to Work Day and Bike to Work Month, May, in case there was any confusion are good things in my opinion but for someone who rides everyday Bike to Work Month can be a source of frustration.
Let me explain. I wish more people rode their bicycles to work. It would result in a massive number of positives. Less pollution, less obesity, people taking fewer sick days, healthy people like me subsidizing fewer people's health insurance costs, there's a huge upside and I completely grasp all of it. The problem with Bike to Work Month is that most people don't feel safe enough to ride most of the year. Even when they should. This means that come May people who are not as familiar or comfortable riding to work flood the streets here in Seattle. I have had several close calls this month, all with cyclists. On Wednesday I guy almost ran into me head on.
On Monday of this week I watched a guy blow two stop signs while "merging" with the road I was riding down. I overtook him because he was slower than I was and had to move into traffic to pass him. As the road continued downhill I got into the left turning lane behind the cars that were ahead of me. He stayed in the right lane and turned across the left turning lane. I was appalled and frankly scared for the guy. I caught up with him a few minutes later on a trail and told him in no uncertain terms that his behavior has a potential negative impact on those beyond him. My language was perhaps more colorful though.

This week I'm dropping two Friday Finds on you, both from the Horse Heaven Hills. The reason being is the weather. What's going on with it? It's been beautiful all week but when it really counts, when we really need it, ie, the weekend, it might be bailing on us. I think you should brave the uncertainty and get the grill ready in either case and so these wines will fit either circumstance. In case this loveliness sticks around we encourage you to pick up the 2013 Rosé of Grenache from Mercer Estates. Pale pink and loaded up with strawberries, grapefruit and a kiss of fresh mint. The folks at Mercer left a touch of residual sugar behind and that doesn't make for a cloying sweet pink wine but rather it gives the fruit character of the wine a sort of juiciness and it balances the acidity well. $14

Should the fouler weather return go with the 2010 Bombing Range Red from McKinley Springs. This is a wine that I prefer much over last year's vintage and I attribute it to the earthen, smokey character that play a role in the wines aromatics as well as the palate. Dark fruits, clove and the aforementioned smokiness should pair well with those burgers, or steak, or whatever it is you end up grilling in the rain. $16
Buy them both and hey, drink them both.
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